Do not check PG state key ownership if it doesn't exist yet

This fixes the bug where OSDs were sometimes trying to report updated PG states
infinitely without luck when PGs transitioned from 'starting' to 'peering' too fast
Vitaliy Filippov 2021-03-08 00:45:18 +03:00
parent 73ce20e246
commit 086667f568
1 changed files with 16 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -665,7 +665,21 @@ void osd_t::report_pg_states()
auto & pg = pg_it->second;
reporting_pgs.push_back({ *it, pg.history_changed });
std::string state_key_base64 = base64_encode(st_cli.etcd_prefix+"/pg/state/"+std::to_string(pg.pool_id)+"/"+std::to_string(pg.pg_num));
if (pg.state == PG_STARTING)
bool pg_state_exists = false;
if (pg.state != PG_STARTING)
auto pool_it = st_cli.pool_config.find(pg.pool_id);
if (pool_it != st_cli.pool_config.end())
auto pg_it = pool_it->second.pg_config.find(pg.pg_num);
if (pg_it != pool_it->second.pg_config.end() &&
pg_it->second.cur_state != 0)
pg_state_exists = true;
if (!pg_state_exists)
// Check that the PG key does not exist
// Failed check indicates an unsuccessful PG lock attempt in this case
@ -677,9 +691,7 @@ void osd_t::report_pg_states()
// Check that the key is ours
// Failed check indicates success for OFFLINE pgs (PG lock is already deleted)
// and an unexpected race condition for started pgs (PG lock is held by someone else)
// Check that the key is ours if it already exists
checks.push_back(json11::Json::object {
{ "target", "LEASE" },
{ "lease", etcd_lease_id },