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72 байта добавлено, 12:35, 30 сентября 2015
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You can set up a cron job, if you want this done on a regular basis.
== Reporting bugs == If you get a some kind of «crash» (bunch of error messages on the screen), please run grive with the following options: grive -l log.txt --log-http http `log.txt` and `httpXXXX-XX-XX.XXXXXX.txt` files will be created. Please note these files may contain authentication tokens and file contents, so edit them before submitting. Then create an issue on github: https://github.com/vitalif/grive2/issues/new. Attach program output from the console; also you can run <tt>grive -l log.txt</tt> and also submit 'log.txt'. As the file will contain a log of the sync operation, you may want to edit the file first to remove personally sensitive informationattach these files.
=== Command line options ===
