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My Own TechRadar

2069 байтов добавлено, 13:59, 28 января 2021
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Fuck Zalando's one.Opinionated and effective. A lot of things isn't covered, it's not an encyclopedia. Prefer* node.js* npm* RPC-style JSON APIs* SPA: JSON DTO services | server-side: own 500 loc ORM + MVC* React* preact* CSS modules (postcss)* leaflet* postgresql* mariadb* nginx* Docker* Podman* Debian Linux* prometheus & grafana* headless chromium* stolon* etcd* dovecot, postfix* git* Gitea* rainloop webmail* redis, memcached* kafka* keepalived* OpenNebula* MediaWiki* JSON Schema* Ethereum* mc & mcedit* python for ML* ReactPHP Allow but prefer other options, if any* haproxy* ansible* boot2docker* patroni* consul* spamassassin* roundcube webmail* kubernetes* MongoDB* Gitlab* Ceph* OData* vim* PHP & php-fpm* TypeScript* Golang Avoid as much as possible / inappropriate solution in the vast majority of cases* microservice architecture* ExtJS* RHEL / CentOS* java* .net core* all other statically typed languages for web backend & frontend* python for everything except ML :)* vert.x (java)* jOOQ, querydsl (java)* PHP CMSs (and probably CMSs in general)* redux* heavy JS grids in general, like ag-grid* vue.js* mobx* react-router* Bootstrap* apache* munin* zabbix* vagrant* Lua* Perl* Keycloak, WSO2IS* ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control)* Mercurial* SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC* GUI IDEs* Docker Swarm* yarn* composer // php is not the place for npm* Windows desktop Deny use / never a good solution even if popular* REST* GraphQL* Angular* jQuery* older databinding js frameworks like ember.js, backbone and so on* GWT* rxjs* underscorejs* ramda-fantasy and similar strange js libraries* Traditional ORM in general, like Hibernate (java) or Doctrine (PHP)* Heavy frameworks in general, like Spring (java) or Zend/Yii/Laravel/etc (PHP)* DI in general* Liquibase (java)* Java Application servers* Ruby* Erlang/Elixir* Windows server* MacOS or Apple anything* .NET, powershell* Oracle* Proprietary software in general* Bazaar, CVS and other VCS* so-called "serverless"
