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20 байтов добавлено, 12:32, 4 июня 2019
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Programming languages | Most experience in: PHP, JavaScript/ECMAScript (more than 10 years), HTML/CSS, nodejs (more than 6 years). Then goes Perl (more than 7 years, currently inactive), then Java, Python, C/C++, Go and then everything else down to ARM and x86 assembly.
DBMS | Most experience in PostgreSQL, MySQL (more than 10 years), also simple NoSQL-s (Redis & memcached). Then goes MongoDB, RocksDB, Oracle, SQLite, Sphinx and Elasticsearch.
Frontend | HTML, CSS. Frameworks: React preferred. Also , also Angular, ExtJS, jQuery and various template engines. Tried React Native.
Version Control | Currently Git for everything, a lot of previous experience with Mercurial, Subversion and CVS and some with Bazaar.
SDS | Ceph - setup and tuning experience.
