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3569 байтов добавлено, 22:40, 18 февраля 2011
Новая страница: «<source lang=bash> #!/bin/bash # Need bash because we use ${foo//bar/baz} # # Script to update the named options file # # Resolvconf may run us even if named is not ...»
<source lang=bash>
# Need bash because we use ${foo//bar/baz}
# Script to update the named options file
# Resolvconf may run us even if named is not running.
# If a bind package is installed then we go ahead and update
# the named configuration in case named is started later.
# Assumption: On entry, PWD contains the resolv.conf-type files
# Licensed under the GNU GPL. See /usr/share/doc/resolvconf/copyright.
# Written by Thomas Hood <jdthood@yahoo.co.uk>

set -e

[ -x /usr/sbin/named ] || exit 0
[ -x /lib/resolvconf/list-records ] || exit 1
[ -f /etc/bind/named.conf.options ] || exit 0


[ -d "$RUN_DIR" ] || mkdir --parents --mode=0755 "$RUN_DIR"

# Stores arguments (minus duplicates) in RSLT, separated by spaces
# Doesn't work properly if an argument itself contain whitespace
while [ "$1" ] ; do
for E in $RSLT ; do
[ "$1" = "$E" ] && { shift ; continue 2 ; }
RSLT="${RSLT:+$RSLT }$1"

# Get list of records, excluding all those for the loopback interface
RSLVCNFFILES="$(/lib/resolvconf/list-records | sed -e '/^lo$/d' -e '/^lo[.]/d')"

### Compile semicolon-separated list nameservers ###
if [ "$RSLVCNFFILES" ] ; then
uniquify $(sed -n -e 's/^[[:space:]]*nameserver[[:space:]]\+//p' $RSLVCNFFILES)
[ "$RSLT" ] && NMSRVRS="${RSLT// /; }; "

# N.B.: After changing directory we no longer have access to the resolv.conf-type files
cd "$RUN_DIR"

clean_up() { rm -f "${RUN_DIR}/$TMP_FILE" ; }
trap clean_up EXIT
rm -f "$TMP_FILE"

# We want to process named.conf.options such that the new forwarders
# statement gets inserted but nothing else is corrupted in the process.
# We want to do this using only commands available in /bin and /sbin, i.e.,
# with sh, sed and/or grep. Sed can be made to work -- with difficulty.
# Even so, the following script does not work properly if comment
# delimiters of one style of commenting appear inside another kind of
# comment. (Named supports C, C++ and sh comment styles.)
# First, we do our best to delete all and only comments.
# Then we delete any existing forwarders statement, taking into account
# the fact that these can span several lines. Then we add a new
# forwarders statement at the beginning of the options statement.
echo "// named.conf fragment automatically generated by $0" > "$TMP_FILE"
echo "// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Instead edit /etc/bind/named.conf.options ." >> "$TMP_FILE"
cat /etc/bind/named.conf.options \
| sed -e 's%\*/%\*/\
%g' \
| sed -e '\%/\*%{ :x ; s%\*/%\*/% ; t y ; N ; b x ; :y ; s%/\*.*\*/%% ; }' \
| sed -e 's%//.*%%' -e 's%#.*%%' \
| sed -e '/forwarders/{ :x ; s/}/}/ ; t y ; N ; b x ; :y ; s/}[[:space:]]*;/};/ ; t z ; N ; b y ; :z s/forwarders[[:space:]]*{[^}]*};// ; }' \
| sed -e 's/options[[:space:]]*{/options {\
forwarders { '"${NMSRVRS}"'};/' | sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/{ d ; }' \
>> "$TMP_FILE"

# bind version 8 does not create a "bind" group
chown root:bind "$TMP_FILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 || :

if [ "$1" = "-i" ] ; then
mv -f "$TMP_FILE" "$OPTS_FILE"
exit 0

# Reload named unless we know its options haven't changed
if [ -x /usr/bin/diff ] && [ -f "$OPTS_FILE" ] && /usr/bin/diff -q "$OPTS_FILE" "$TMP_FILE" > /dev/null ; then
# No change
rm -f "$TMP_FILE"
mv -f "$TMP_FILE" "$OPTS_FILE"
[ -x /etc/init.d/bind9 ] && /etc/init.d/bind9 reload > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
[ -x /etc/init.d/bind ] && /etc/init.d/bind reload > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
