
Ceph performance

9 байтов добавлено, 11:21, 27 июля 2019
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** SPDK is enabled for NVMes by passing <tt>spdk:PCI_serial_number</tt> as the device name and deploying OSDs using the Manual Deployment documentation
** But…
* DPDK support is broken — build scripts are broken and even if you fix them by hand like me there are some bugs that make OSD OSDs crash after processing ~50 packets.
* SPDK build scripts are OK and Ceph is even built with it by default. There are even some reports that it works, however, my OSDs have just hung when I tried to start them with SPDK.
* Both are pointless to use because Ceph itself isn’t that fast. It doesn’t matter if your network latency is 0.05ms or 0.005ms — Ceph software takes 0.5-1ms. There was an experiment report in the mailing list — one guy tried to isolate AsyncMessenger from all other Ceph code and benchmark it alone — https://www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-devel/msg43555.html — and he only got ~80000 iops.