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* [https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/11815 etcd #11815 — etcd v3.3.20 websocket watch API buffering issue]
* [https://github.com/linux-rdma/qperf/pull/23 qperf #23 — Disable Nagle for testing (TCP_NODELAY), allow to change message size for socket tests]
* [https://github.com/mtcp-stack/mtcp/issues/305 mTCP #305 — Please remove dpdk-iface-kmod]
* [https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/issues/120 SeaweedFS #120 — Comparison with Ceph]
* [https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/46800 Ceph #46800 — Octopus OSD died and fails to start with FAILED ceph_assert(is_valid_io(off, len))]
* [https://github.com/mtcp-stack/mtcp/issues/306 mTCP #306 - Simple ping-pong mTCP app - slow ping (0.016 sec on a direct 10G connection) - mTCP not production-ready]
* [https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/46969 Ceph #46969 — Octopus OSDs deadlock with slow ops and make the whole cluster unresponsive]
* [https://github.com/F-Stack/f-stack/issues/540 F-Stack #540 — F-Stack latency is worse than kernel]
* [https://github.com/prometheus/procfs/pull/323 prometheus-procfs #323 — Fix bcache stats_total per-device readings]
* [https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/12402 etcd #12402 — etcdserver: Fix 64 KB websocket notification message limit]
../../../../../../src/gallium/drivers/ilo/shader/toy_legalize_ra.c:215:linear_scan_spill: Assertion `!«no spilling support»' failed.