

195 байтов добавлено, 16:04, 15 августа 2020
Добавлена закладка English words that change their meaning depending on stress placement
=== августа 2020 ===
* 15 августа, 19:04:24: [https://jakubmarian.com/english-words-that-change-meaning-depending-on-the-stress-position/ English words that change their meaning depending on stress placement]
* 15 августа, 18:53:09: [https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/3/html-single/troubleshooting_guide/index Troubleshooting Guide Red Hat Ceph Storage 3 | Red Hat Customer Portal]
* 10 августа, 19:35:27: [https://www.ovh.com/blog/getting-external-traffic-into-kubernetes-clusterip-nodeport-loadbalancer-and-ingress/ Getting external traffic into Kubernetes - ClusterIp, NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Ingress | OVHcloud Blog]