

138 байтов добавлено, 14:27, 20 июля 2018
Добавлена закладка Currents: A quarterly report on developer trends in the cloud
=== Июль 2018 ===
* 20 Июль, 17:27:50: [https://www.digitalocean.com/currents/june-2018/ Currents: A quarterly report on developer trends in the cloud]
* 18 Июль, 18:14:41: [https://medium.com/tandemly/im-breaking-up-with-higher-order-components-44b0df2db052 I’m Breaking up with Higher Order Components. – tandemly – Medium]
*: I’m Breaking up with Higher Order Components.<br />Writing declarative, readable and flexible React components using render props instead of HOCs