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2033 байта добавлено, 16:34, 29 июня 2020
Добавлена закладка request: to not continue on this virtue signalling path · Issue #10458 · openzfs/zfs
=== июня 2020 ===
* 29 июня, 19:34:08: [https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/10458 request: to not continue on this virtue signalling path · Issue #10458 · openzfs/zfs]
*: <html><task-lists disabled="" sortable=""><table class="d-block" data-paste-markdown-skip=""><tbody class="d-block"><tr class="d-block"><td class="d-block comment-body markdown-body js-comment-body"><p>hello, as a man of non-white background (a mix of brown, black, and white), the removal of "slave" and "blacklist" from the source code itself feels racist.</p> <p>i'm pretty aware of these terms and their context is obvious, i don't think anyone thinks of racial supremacy when writing source code. but we talk about orphans and other concepts. metaphors are useful for discussion.</p> <p>if you want to clean the source code and make it more readable, that's cool. but acting like myself and other PoC (people of colour) can not understand the subtleties of language <em>and that these are not being used as racist terms</em> actually makes us feel rather cast out and viewed as inferior.</p> <p>that being said, i understand the context of these changes comes from white developers who would rather not be associated with the concepts. it is a murky thing, but be honest when making decisions. because acting like you are saving me is feeling rather patronising.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </task-lists> <div class="comment-reactions flex-items-center border-top has-reactions js-reactions-container"> <!-- '"` --><!-- </textarea></xmp> --><form class="js-pick-reaction" action="/openzfs/zfs/reactions" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"><input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="YSCNzm6Y0CIH5kvtGm9P9x2OSr2eDBQMMoiLc3tXO0MbkZE20sHxfPvmX83vMMUk98MB9SFCgqfL7uFDqdOphA=="> <input type="hidden" name="input[subjectId]" value="MDU6SXNzdWU2MzkwNjYyNjA="> <div class="comment-reactions-options"> </div></form></div></html>
* 25 июня, 13:04:22: [http://ibash.org.ru/ ibash.org.ru — Новый цитатник Рунета]
*: <html>xxx: "Добрый день, к вашим услугам питон-разработчик, слонёнок-тестер и мартышка-тимлид"</html>
