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Welcome to the Grive2 project homepage!
The purpose of this project is to provide an independent open source implementation of Google Drive client for GNU/Linux. It uses the [https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference/ Google Document List Drive REST API ] to talk to the servers in GoogleDrive service. The code is written in standard C++.
Grive2 is the fork of the original abandoned «Grive» (https://github.com/Grive/grivewritten by Nestal Wan) with added support for the new Drive REST API (original version was using the «Document List API» which is now shut down) and some new features, for example , partial sync.
The source code of Grive2 is released under GPLv2.
== Features ==
* Grive Grive2 can do two-side synchronization between the Google Drive and local directory: it can download and upload changed files, create new directories, and move deleted files to trash.* Dry run: you can see what actions Grive Grive2 wants to perform with your files without really performing them (--dry-run option).
* You can select a single subdirectory to sync with '-s subdir' option and you can exclude some files from sync with '--ignore <regexp>' option. <regexp> has [http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html perl regexp syntax] and is matched against local path inside synced root directory.
; Folders/files with multiple parents: The structure of a Google Drive is not exactly organized in a hierarchy. It is more similar to an interconnected net attached to a single root point (quoted from the API reference). Obviously the files and directories in the file system have only one parent. Therefore, this feature cannot be implemented very easily.
; Folders/files with '/' in name: '/' is the directory separator and cannot be used in file names.
; Multiple folders/files with the same name: Current Grive Grive2 behaviour is undefined with such files.
; Downloading Google Documents: This feature is not currently implemented. If the demand for it is big enough, it may be implemented later. Patches are welcomed.
== Installation ==
The following are instructions for compiling from the very latest «master branch» source and running `grive ` in Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint.
=== Get dependencies ===