Refactoring to Model API for making it stricter and safer

Alessandro Ranellucci 2014-05-09 14:24:35 +02:00
parent bc023c2d51
commit 7ba08c90cf
17 changed files with 316 additions and 317 deletions

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ sub end_document {
foreach my $instance (@{ $self->{_instances}{$object_id} }) {
rotation => $instance->{rz} || 0,
offset => [ $instance->{deltax} || 0, $instance->{deltay} || 0 ],
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new($instance->{deltax} || 0, $instance->{deltay} || 0),

View File

@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ sub load_model_objects {
# add a default instance and center object around origin
$o->add_instance(offset => [ @{$self->{config}->print_center} ]);
$o->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$self->{config}->print_center}));
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ sub increase {
my $model_object = $self->{model}->objects->[$obj_idx];
my $last_instance = $model_object->instances->[-1];
my $i = $model_object->add_instance(
offset => [ map 10+$_, @{$last_instance->offset} ],
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(map 10+$_, @{$last_instance->offset}),
scaling_factor => $last_instance->scaling_factor,
rotation => $last_instance->rotation,
@ -654,10 +654,10 @@ sub split_object {
for my $instance_idx (0..$#{ $current_model_object->instances }) {
my $current_instance = $current_model_object->instances->[$instance_idx];
offset => [
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(
$current_instance->offset->[X] + ($instance_idx * 10),
$current_instance->offset->[Y] + ($instance_idx * 10),
rotation => $current_instance->rotation,
scaling_factor => $current_instance->scaling_factor,

View File

@ -31,48 +31,34 @@ sub merge {
sub add_object {
my $self = shift;
my $new_object;
if (@_ == 1) {
# we have a Model::Object
my ($object) = @_;
$new_object = $self->add_object(
input_file => $object->input_file,
config => $object->config,
layer_height_ranges => $object->layer_height_ranges, # TODO: clone!
origin_translation => $object->origin_translation,
foreach my $volume (@{$object->volumes}) {
offset => [ @{$_->offset} ],
rotation => $_->rotation,
scaling_factor => $_->scaling_factor,
) for @{ $object->instances // [] };
return $self->_add_object_clone($object);
} else {
my (%args) = @_;
$new_object = $self->_add_object(
$args{config} // Slic3r::Config->new,
$args{layer_height_ranges} // [],
$args{origin_translation} // Slic3r::Pointf->new,
my $new_object = $self->_add_object;
if defined $args{input_file};
if defined $args{config};
if defined $args{layer_height_ranges};
if defined $args{origin_translation};
return $new_object;
return $new_object;
sub set_material {
my $self = shift;
my ($material_id, $attributes) = @_;
$attributes //= {};
my $material = $self->_set_material($material_id);
$material->set_attribute($_, $attributes->{$_}) for keys %$attributes;
my $material = $self->add_material($material_id);
$material->apply($attributes // {});
return $material;
@ -89,10 +75,10 @@ sub duplicate_objects_grid {
for my $x_copy (1..$grid->[X]) {
for my $y_copy (1..$grid->[Y]) {
offset => [
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(
($size->[X] + $distance) * ($x_copy-1),
($size->[Y] + $distance) * ($y_copy-1),
@ -106,12 +92,7 @@ sub duplicate_objects {
foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) {
my @instances = @{$object->instances};
foreach my $instance (@instances) {
### $object->add_instance($instance->clone); if we had clone()
offset => [ @{$instance->offset} ],
rotation => $instance->rotation,
scaling_factor => $instance->scaling_factor,
) for 2..$copies_num;
$object->add_instance($instance) for 2..$copies_num;
@ -151,9 +132,8 @@ sub duplicate {
my @instances = @{$object->instances}; # store separately to avoid recursion from add_instance() below
foreach my $instance (@instances) {
foreach my $pos (@positions) {
### $object->add_instance($instance->clone); if we had clone()
offset => [ $instance->offset->[X] + $pos->[X], $instance->offset->[Y] + $pos->[Y] ],
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new($instance->offset->[X] + $pos->[X], $instance->offset->[Y] + $pos->[Y]),
rotation => $instance->rotation,
scaling_factor => $instance->scaling_factor,
@ -187,8 +167,8 @@ sub add_default_instances {
# apply a default position to all objects not having one
my $added = 0;
foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) {
if (!defined $object->instances) {
$object->add_instance(offset => [0,0]);
if ($object->instances_count == 0) {
$object->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(0,0));
$added = 1;
@ -286,7 +266,7 @@ sub split_meshes {
# add one instance per original instance
offset => [ @{$_->offset} ],
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$_->offset}),
rotation => $_->rotation,
scaling_factor => $_->scaling_factor,
) for @{ $object->instances // [] };
@ -314,6 +294,11 @@ sub get_material_name {
package Slic3r::Model::Material;
sub apply {
my ($self, $attributes) = @_;
$self->set_attribute($_, $attributes{$_}) for keys %$attributes;
package Slic3r::Model::Object;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
@ -328,8 +313,7 @@ sub add_volume {
# we have a Model::Volume
my ($volume) = @_;
$new_volume = $self->_add_volume(
$volume->material_id, $volume->mesh->clone, $volume->modifier);
$new_volume = $self->_add_volume_clone($volume);
# TODO: material_id can't be undef.
if (defined $volume->material_id) {
@ -345,10 +329,13 @@ sub add_volume {
} else {
my %args = @_;
$new_volume = $self->_add_volume(
$args{modifier} // 0);
$new_volume = $self->_add_volume($args{mesh});
if defined $args{material_id};
if defined $args{modifier};
if (defined $new_volume->material_id && !defined $self->model->get_material($new_volume->material_id)) {
@ -356,7 +343,7 @@ sub add_volume {
return $new_volume;
@ -364,16 +351,25 @@ sub add_volume {
sub add_instance {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
return $self->_add_instance(
$params{rotation} // 0,
$params{scaling_factor} // 1,
$params{offset} // []);
sub instances_count {
my $self = shift;
return scalar(@{ $self->instances // [] });
if (@_ == 1) {
# we have a Model::Instance
my ($instance) = @_;
return $self->_add_instance_clone($instance);
} else {
my (%args) = @_;
my $new_instance = $self->_add_instance;
if defined $args{rotation};
if defined $args{scaling_factor};
if defined $args{offset};
return $new_instance;
sub raw_mesh {
@ -446,11 +442,12 @@ sub center_around_origin {
if (defined $self->instances) {
if ($self->instances_count > 0) {
foreach my $instance (@{ $self->instances }) {
$instance->offset->x - $shift[X],
$instance->offset->y - $shift[Y]));
$instance->offset->y - $shift[Y], #--
@ -538,23 +535,12 @@ sub cut {
my ($self, $z) = @_;
# clone this one
my $upper = Slic3r::Model::Object->new(
$self->config, # config is cloned by new()
my $lower = Slic3r::Model::Object->new(
$self->config, # config is cloned by new()
my $upper = $self->model->add_object($self);
my $lower = $self->model->add_object($self);
foreach my $instance (@{$self->instances}) {
$upper->add_instance(offset => [ @{$instance->offset} ]);
$lower->add_instance(offset => [ @{$instance->offset} ]);
$upper->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$instance->offset}));
$lower->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$instance->offset}));
foreach my $volume (@{$self->volumes}) {

View File

@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ sub model {
$object->add_volume(mesh => mesh($model_name, %params), material_id => $model_name);
offset => [0,0],
rotation => $params{rotation} // 0,
scaling_factor => $params{scale} // 1,
offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(0,0),
rotation => $params{rotation} // 0,
scaling_factor => $params{scale} // 1,
return $model;
@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ sub init_print {
$models = [$models] if ref($models) ne 'ARRAY';
for my $model (map { ref($_) ? $_ : model($_, %params) } @$models) {
$models = [ map { ref($_) ? $_ : model($_, %params) } @$models ];
for my $model (@$models) {
die "Unknown model in test" if !defined $model;
if (defined $params{duplicate} && $params{duplicate} > 1) {
$model->duplicate($params{duplicate} // 1, $print->config->min_object_distance);
@ -156,12 +157,18 @@ sub init_print {
return $print;
# We return a proxy object in order to keep $models alive as required by the Print API.
return Slic3r::Test::Print->new(
print => $print,
models => $models,
sub gcode {
my ($print) = @_;
$print = $print->print if $print->isa('Slic3r::Test::Print');
my $fh = IO::Scalar->new(\my $gcode);
$print->export_gcode(output_fh => $fh, quiet => 1);
@ -189,4 +196,10 @@ sub add_facet {
package Slic3r::Test::Print;
use Moo;
has 'print' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has 'models' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ use Slic3r::Test;
$config->set('start_gcode', "TRAVEL:[travel_speed] HEIGHT:[layer_height]\n");
my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config);
my $output_file = $print->expanded_output_filepath;
my $output_file = $print->print->expanded_output_filepath;
ok $output_file !~ /\[travel_speed\]/, 'print config options are replaced in output filename';
ok $output_file !~ /\[layer_height\]/, 'region config options are replaced in output filename';

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ use Slic3r::Test;
ok $print->total_used_filament > 0, 'final retraction is not considered in total used filament';
ok $print->print->total_used_filament > 0, 'final retraction is not considered in total used filament';

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ sub stacked_cubes {
my $object = $model->add_object;
$object->add_volume(mesh => Slic3r::Test::mesh('20mm_cube'), material_id => 'lower');
$object->add_volume(mesh => Slic3r::Test::mesh('20mm_cube', translate => [0,0,20]), material_id => 'upper');
$object->add_instance(offset => [0,0]);
$object->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(0,0));
return $model;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -38,21 +38,21 @@ use Slic3r::Test;
my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print(my $model = Slic3r::Test::model('20mm_cube'), config => $config);
# user sets a per-region option
$print->objects->[0]->model_object->config->set('fill_density', 100);
$print->print->objects->[0]->model_object->config->set('fill_density', 100);
# user exports G-code, thus the default config is reapplied
is $print->regions->[0]->config->fill_density, 100, 'apply_config() does not override per-object settings';
is $print->print->regions->[0]->config->fill_density, 100, 'apply_config() does not override per-object settings';
# user assigns object extruders
$print->objects->[0]->model_object->config->set('extruder', 3);
$print->objects->[0]->model_object->config->set('perimeter_extruder', 2);
$print->print->objects->[0]->model_object->config->set('extruder', 3);
$print->print->objects->[0]->model_object->config->set('perimeter_extruder', 2);
is $print->regions->[0]->config->infill_extruder, 3, 'extruder setting is correctly expanded';
is $print->regions->[0]->config->perimeter_extruder, 2, 'extruder setting does not override explicitely specified extruders';
is $print->print->regions->[0]->config->infill_extruder, 3, 'extruder setting is correctly expanded';
is $print->print->regions->[0]->config->perimeter_extruder, 2, 'extruder setting does not override explicitely specified extruders';

View File

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ use Slic3r::Test qw(_eq);
if ($info->{dist_Z}) {
# lift move or lift + change layer
if (_eq($info->{dist_Z}, $print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool))
|| (_eq($info->{dist_Z}, $conf->layer_height + $print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool)) && $print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool) > 0)) {
if (_eq($info->{dist_Z}, $print->print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool))
|| (_eq($info->{dist_Z}, $conf->layer_height + $print->print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool)) && $print->print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool) > 0)) {
fail 'only lifting while retracted' if !$retracted[$tool] && !($conf->g0 && $info->{retracting});
fail 'double lift' if $lifted;
$lifted = 1;
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ use Slic3r::Test qw(_eq);
if ($info->{dist_Z} < 0) {
fail 'going down only after lifting' if !$lifted;
fail 'going down by the same amount of the lift or by the amount needed to get to next layer'
if !_eq($info->{dist_Z}, -$print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool))
&& !_eq($info->{dist_Z}, -$print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool) + $conf->layer_height);
if !_eq($info->{dist_Z}, -$print->print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool))
&& !_eq($info->{dist_Z}, -$print->print->config->get_at('retract_lift', $tool) + $conf->layer_height);
$lifted = 0;
fail 'move Z at travel speed' if ($args->{F} // $self->F) != $conf->travel_speed * 60;
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ use Slic3r::Test qw(_eq);
if ($info->{retracting}) {
$retracted[$tool] = 1;
$retracted_length[$tool] += -$info->{dist_E};
if (_eq($retracted_length[$tool], $print->config->get_at('retract_length', $tool))) {
if (_eq($retracted_length[$tool], $print->print->config->get_at('retract_length', $tool))) {
# okay
} elsif (_eq($retracted_length[$tool], $print->config->get_at('retract_length_toolchange', $tool))) {
} elsif (_eq($retracted_length[$tool], $print->print->config->get_at('retract_length_toolchange', $tool))) {
$wait_for_toolchange = 1;
} else {
fail 'retracted by the correct amount';
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ use Slic3r::Test qw(_eq);
if ($info->{extruding}) {
fail 'only extruding while not lifted' if $lifted;
if ($retracted[$tool]) {
my $expected_amount = $retracted_length[$tool] + $print->config->get_at('retract_restart_extra', $tool);
my $expected_amount = $retracted_length[$tool] + $print->print->config->get_at('retract_restart_extra', $tool);
if ($changed_tool && $toolchange_count[$tool] > 1) {
$expected_amount = $print->config->get_at('retract_length_toolchange', $tool) + $print->config->get_at('retract_restart_extra_toolchange', $tool);
$expected_amount = $print->print->config->get_at('retract_length_toolchange', $tool) + $print->print->config->get_at('retract_restart_extra_toolchange', $tool);
$changed_tool = 0;
fail 'unretracted by the correct amount'
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ use Slic3r::Test qw(_eq);
$retracted_length[$tool] = 0;
if ($info->{travel} && $info->{dist_XY} >= $print->config->get_at('retract_before_travel', $tool)) {
if ($info->{travel} && $info->{dist_XY} >= $print->print->config->get_at('retract_before_travel', $tool)) {
fail 'retracted before long travel move' if !$retracted[$tool];

View File

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ use Slic3r::Test;
my $test = sub {
my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config);
my $flow = $print->objects->[0]->support_material_flow;
my $flow = $print->print->objects->[0]->support_material_flow;
my $support_z = Slic3r::Print::SupportMaterial
object_config => $print->objects->[0]->config,
print_config => $print->config,
object_config => $print->print->objects->[0]->config,
print_config => $print->print->config,
flow => $flow,
interface_flow => $flow,
first_layer_flow => $flow,

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use Slic3r::Test;
my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube');
eval {
my $fh = IO::Scalar->new(\my $gcode);
$print->export_svg(output_fh => $fh, quiet => 1);
$print->print->export_svg(output_fh => $fh, quiet => 1);
ok !$@, 'successful SVG export';

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $ARGV[0] or usage(1);
if (-e $ARGV[0]) {
my $model = Slic3r::Format::STL->read_file($ARGV[0]);
$model->objects->[0]->add_instance(offset => [0,0]);
$model->objects->[0]->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(0,0));
my $mesh = $model->mesh;
printf "VERTICES = %s\n", join ',', map "[$_->[0],$_->[1],$_->[2]]", @{$mesh->vertices};

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ use Module::Build::WithXSpp;
# NOGDI : prevents inclusion of wingdi.h which defines functions Polygon() and Polyline() in global namespace
push @cflags, qw(-DSLIC3R_DEBUG -g -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0);
# only on newer GCCs: -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0
push @cflags, qw(-DSLIC3R_DEBUG -g);
if (ExtUtils::CppGuess->new->is_gcc) {
# check whether we're dealing with a buggy GCC version

View File

@ -6,24 +6,14 @@ Model::Model() {}
Model::Model(const Model &other)
for (ModelMaterialMap::const_iterator i = other.materials.begin();
i != other.materials.end(); ++i)
ModelMaterial *copy = new ModelMaterial(*i->second);
copy->model = this;
materials[i->first] = copy;
for (ModelObjectPtrs::const_iterator i = other.objects.begin();
i != other.objects.end(); ++i)
ModelObject *copy = new ModelObject(**i);
copy->model = this;
// copy materials
for (ModelMaterialMap::const_iterator i = other.materials.begin(); i != other.materials.end(); ++i)
this->add_material(i->first, *i->second);
// copy objects
for (ModelObjectPtrs::const_iterator i = other.objects.begin(); i != other.objects.end(); ++i)
Model& Model::operator= (Model other)
@ -46,13 +36,19 @@ Model::~Model()
Model::add_object(const std::string &input_file, const DynamicPrintConfig &config,
const t_layer_height_ranges &layer_height_ranges, const Pointf &origin_translation)
ModelObject* object = new ModelObject(this, input_file, config,
layer_height_ranges, origin_translation);
return object;
ModelObject* new_object = new ModelObject(this);
return new_object;
Model::add_object(const ModelObject &other)
ModelObject* new_object = new ModelObject(this, other);
return new_object;
@ -88,19 +84,40 @@ Model::clear_materials()
this->delete_material( this->materials.begin()->first );
ModelMaterial *
Model::set_material(t_model_material_id material_id)
Model::add_material(t_model_material_id material_id)
ModelMaterialMap::iterator i = this->materials.find(material_id);
ModelMaterial *mat;
if (i == this->materials.end()) {
mat = this->materials[material_id] = new ModelMaterial(this);
} else {
mat = i->second;
ModelMaterial* material = this->get_material(material_id);
if (material == NULL) {
material = this->materials[material_id] = new ModelMaterial(this);
return material;
Model::add_material(t_model_material_id material_id, const ModelMaterial &other)
// delete existing material if any
ModelMaterial* material = this->get_material(material_id);
if (material != NULL) {
delete material;
return mat;
// set new material
material = new ModelMaterial(this, other);
this->materials[material_id] = material;
return material;
Model::get_material(t_model_material_id material_id)
ModelMaterialMap::iterator i = this->materials.find(material_id);
if (i == this->materials.end()) {
return NULL;
} else {
return i->second;
@ -147,6 +164,9 @@ REGISTER_CLASS(Model, "Model");
ModelMaterial::ModelMaterial(Model *model) : model(model) {}
ModelMaterial::ModelMaterial(Model *model, const ModelMaterial &other)
: model(model), config(other.config), attributes(other.attributes)
ModelMaterial::apply(const t_model_material_attributes &attributes)
@ -160,20 +180,12 @@ REGISTER_CLASS(ModelMaterial, "Model::Material");
ModelObject::ModelObject(Model *model, const std::string &input_file,
const DynamicPrintConfig &config, const t_layer_height_ranges &layer_height_ranges,
const Pointf &origin_translation)
: model(model),
ModelObject::ModelObject(Model *model)
: model(model)
ModelObject::ModelObject(const ModelObject &other)
: model(other.model),
ModelObject::ModelObject(Model *model, const ModelObject &other)
: model(model),
@ -183,25 +195,14 @@ ModelObject::ModelObject(const ModelObject &other)
for (ModelVolumePtrs::const_iterator i = other.volumes.begin();
i != other.volumes.end(); ++i)
ModelVolume *v = new ModelVolume(**i);
v->object = this;
for (ModelVolumePtrs::const_iterator i = other.volumes.begin(); i != other.volumes.end(); ++i)
for (ModelInstancePtrs::const_iterator i = other.instances.begin();
i != other.instances.end(); ++i)
ModelInstance *in = new ModelInstance(**i);
in->object = this;
for (ModelInstancePtrs::const_iterator i = other.instances.begin(); i != other.instances.end(); ++i)
ModelObject& ModelObject::operator= (ModelObject other)
@ -229,11 +230,19 @@ ModelObject::~ModelObject()
ModelVolume *
ModelObject::add_volume(const t_model_material_id &material_id,
const TriangleMesh &mesh, bool modifier)
ModelObject::add_volume(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
ModelVolume *v = new ModelVolume(this, material_id, mesh, modifier);
ModelVolume* v = new ModelVolume(this, mesh);
return v;
ModelObject::add_volume(const ModelVolume &other)
ModelVolume* v = new ModelVolume(this, other);
return v;
@ -256,12 +265,19 @@ ModelObject::clear_volumes()
ModelInstance *
ModelObject::add_instance(double rotation, double scaling_factor,
Pointf offset)
ModelInstance *i = new ModelInstance(
this, rotation, scaling_factor, offset);
ModelInstance* i = new ModelInstance(this);
return i;
ModelObject::add_instance(const ModelInstance &other)
ModelInstance* i = new ModelInstance(this, other);
return i;
@ -300,28 +316,26 @@ REGISTER_CLASS(ModelObject, "Model::Object");
ModelVolume::ModelVolume(ModelObject* object, const t_model_material_id &material_id,
const TriangleMesh &mesh, bool modifier)
: object(object),
ModelVolume::ModelVolume(ModelObject* object, const TriangleMesh &mesh)
: object(object), mesh(mesh), modifier(false)
ModelVolume::ModelVolume(ModelObject* object, const ModelVolume &other)
: object(object), material_id(other.material_id), mesh(other.mesh), modifier(other.modifier)
#ifdef SLIC3RXS
REGISTER_CLASS(ModelVolume, "Model::Volume");
ModelInstance::ModelInstance(ModelObject *object, double rotation,
double scaling_factor, const Pointf &offset)
: object(object),
ModelInstance::ModelInstance(ModelObject *object)
: object(object), rotation(0), scaling_factor(1)
ModelInstance::ModelInstance(ModelObject *object, const ModelInstance &other)
: object(object), rotation(other.rotation), scaling_factor(other.scaling_factor), offset(other.offset)
#ifdef SLIC3RXS
REGISTER_CLASS(ModelInstance, "Model::Instance");

View File

@ -38,13 +38,16 @@ class Model
Model& operator= (Model other);
void swap(Model &other);
ModelObject* add_object(const std::string &input_file, const DynamicPrintConfig &config,
const t_layer_height_ranges &layer_height_ranges, const Pointf &origin_translation);
ModelObject* add_object();
ModelObject* add_object(const ModelObject &other);
void delete_object(size_t idx);
void clear_objects();
ModelMaterial* add_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
ModelMaterial* add_material(t_model_material_id material_id, const ModelMaterial &other);
ModelMaterial* get_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
void delete_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
void clear_materials();
ModelMaterial *set_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
// void duplicate_objects_grid(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, coordf_t distance);
// void duplicate_objects(size_t copies_num, coordf_t distance, const BoundingBox &bb);
// void arrange_objects(coordf_t distance, const BoundingBox &bb);
@ -65,19 +68,25 @@ class Model
class ModelMaterial
friend class Model;
Model* model;
t_model_material_attributes attributes;
DynamicPrintConfig config;
ModelMaterial(Model *model);
Model* get_model() const { return this->model; };
void apply(const t_model_material_attributes &attributes);
Model* model;
ModelMaterial(Model *model);
ModelMaterial(Model *model, const ModelMaterial &other);
class ModelObject
friend class Model;
Model* model;
std::string input_file;
ModelInstancePtrs instances;
ModelVolumePtrs volumes;
@ -89,65 +98,76 @@ class ModelObject
BoundingBoxf3 _bounding_box;
bool _bounding_box_valid;
ModelObject(Model *model, const std::string &input_file, const DynamicPrintConfig &config,
const t_layer_height_ranges &layer_height_ranges, const Pointf &origin_translation);
ModelObject(const ModelObject &other);
ModelObject& operator= (ModelObject other);
void swap(ModelObject &other);
ModelVolume* add_volume(const t_model_material_id &material_id,
const TriangleMesh &mesh, bool modifier);
Model* get_model() const { return this->model; };
ModelVolume* add_volume(const TriangleMesh &mesh);
ModelVolume* add_volume(const ModelVolume &volume);
void delete_volume(size_t idx);
void clear_volumes();
ModelInstance *add_instance(double rotation=0, double scaling_factor = 1,
Pointf offset = Pointf(0, 0));
ModelInstance* add_instance();
ModelInstance* add_instance(const ModelInstance &instance);
void delete_instance(size_t idx);
void delete_last_instance();
void clear_instances();
void invalidate_bounding_box();
void raw_mesh(TriangleMesh* mesh) const;
void mesh(TriangleMesh* mesh) const;
void instance_bounding_box(size_t instance_idx, BoundingBox* bb) const;
void center_around_origin();
void translate(coordf_t x, coordf_t y, coordf_t z);
size_t materials_count() const;
void unique_materials(std::vector<t_model_material_id>* materials) const;
size_t facets_count() const;
bool needed_repair() const;
//void raw_mesh(TriangleMesh* mesh) const;
//void mesh(TriangleMesh* mesh) const;
//void instance_bounding_box(size_t instance_idx, BoundingBox* bb) const;
//void center_around_origin();
//void translate(coordf_t x, coordf_t y, coordf_t z);
//size_t materials_count() const;
//void unique_materials(std::vector<t_model_material_id>* materials) const;
//size_t facets_count() const;
//bool needed_repair() const;
Model* model;
ModelObject(Model *model);
ModelObject(Model *model, const ModelObject &other);
ModelObject& operator= (ModelObject other);
void swap(ModelObject &other);
void update_bounding_box();
class ModelVolume
friend class ModelObject;
ModelObject* object;
t_model_material_id material_id;
TriangleMesh mesh;
bool modifier;
ModelVolume(ModelObject *object, const t_model_material_id &material_id,
const TriangleMesh &mesh, bool modifier);
ModelObject* get_object() const { return this->object; };
ModelObject* object;
ModelVolume(ModelObject *object, const TriangleMesh &mesh);
ModelVolume(ModelObject *object, const ModelVolume &other);
class ModelInstance
friend class ModelObject;
ModelObject* object;
double rotation; // around mesh center point
double scaling_factor;
Pointf offset; // in unscaled coordinates
ModelInstance(ModelObject *object, double rotation, double scaling_factor,
const Pointf &offset);
ModelObject* get_object() const { return this->object; };
void transform_mesh(TriangleMesh* mesh, bool dont_translate) const;
void transform_polygon(Polygon* polygon) const;
ModelObject* object;
ModelInstance(ModelObject *object);
ModelInstance(ModelObject *object, const ModelInstance &other);

View File

@ -12,38 +12,30 @@
Clone<Model> clone()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS; %};
Ref<ModelObject> _add_object(std::string input_file,
DynamicPrintConfig* config,
t_layer_height_ranges layer_height_ranges,
Pointf* origin_translation)
RETVAL = THIS->add_object(input_file, *config, layer_height_ranges,
%name{_add_object} Ref<ModelObject> add_object();
Ref<ModelObject> _add_object_clone(ModelObject* other)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->add_object(*other); %};
void delete_object(size_t idx);
void clear_objects();
void delete_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
void clear_materials();
%name{_set_material} Ref<ModelMaterial> set_material(t_model_material_id material_id)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->set_material(material_id); %};
Ref<ModelMaterial> get_material(t_model_material_id material_id)
ModelMaterialMap::iterator i = THIS->materials.find(material_id);
if (i == THIS->materials.end()) {
RETVAL = THIS->get_material(material_id);
if (RETVAL == NULL) {
RETVAL = i->second;
%name{add_material} Ref<ModelMaterial> add_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
Ref<ModelMaterial> add_material_clone(t_model_material_id material_id, ModelMaterial* other)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->add_material(material_id, *other); %};
bool has_material(t_model_material_id material_id) const
RETVAL = (THIS->materials.find(material_id) != THIS->materials.end());
RETVAL = (THIS->get_material(material_id) != NULL);
void delete_material(t_model_material_id material_id);
void clear_materials();
std::vector<std::string> material_names() const
@ -70,22 +62,14 @@
// void split_meshes();
// std::string get_material_name(t_model_material_id material_id);
ModelObjectPtrs *objects()
if (THIS->objects.empty()) {
RETVAL = &THIS->objects;
ModelObjectPtrs* objects()
%code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->objects; %};
%name{Slic3r::Model::Material} class ModelMaterial {
Ref<Model> model()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->model; %};
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->get_model(); %};
Ref<DynamicPrintConfig> config()
%code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->config; %};
@ -114,44 +98,21 @@ ModelMaterial::attributes()
%name{Slic3r::Model::Object} class ModelObject {
ModelObject(Model* model, std::string input_file,
DynamicPrintConfig* config, t_layer_height_ranges layer_height_ranges,
Pointf* origin_translation)
RETVAL = new ModelObject(model, input_file, *config,
layer_height_ranges, *origin_translation);
ModelVolumePtrs *volumes()
if (THIS->volumes.empty()) {
RETVAL = &THIS->volumes;
ModelInstancePtrs *instances()
if (THIS->instances.empty()) {
RETVAL = &THIS->instances;
ModelVolumePtrs* volumes()
%code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->volumes; %};
ModelInstancePtrs* instances()
%code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->instances; %};
void invalidate_bounding_box();
Ref<BoundingBoxf3> _bounding_box(BoundingBoxf3 *new_bbox = NULL)
Ref<BoundingBoxf3> _bounding_box(BoundingBoxf3* new_bbox = NULL)
if (NULL != new_bbox) {
THIS->_bounding_box = *new_bbox;
THIS->_bounding_box_valid = true;
if (!THIS->_bounding_box_valid) {
@ -159,21 +120,21 @@ ModelMaterial::attributes()
RETVAL = &THIS->_bounding_box;
%name{_add_volume} Ref<ModelVolume> add_volume(
t_model_material_id material_id, TriangleMesh* mesh, bool modifier)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->add_volume(material_id, *mesh, modifier); %};
%name{_add_volume} Ref<ModelVolume> add_volume(TriangleMesh* mesh)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->add_volume(*mesh); %};
Ref<ModelVolume> _add_volume_clone(ModelVolume* other)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->add_volume(*other); %};
void delete_volume(size_t idx);
void clear_volumes();
%name{_add_instance} Ref<ModelInstance> add_instance(
double rotation, double scaling_factor, std::vector<double> offset)
RETVAL = THIS->add_instance(rotation, scaling_factor,
Pointf(offset[0], offset[1]));
%name{_add_instance} Ref<ModelInstance> add_instance();
Ref<ModelInstance> _add_instance_clone(ModelInstance* other)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->add_instance(*other); %};
void delete_last_instance();
void clear_instances();
int instances_count()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->instances.size(); %};
std::string input_file()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->input_file; %};
@ -183,38 +144,42 @@ ModelMaterial::attributes()
%code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->config; %};
Ref<Model> model()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->model; %};
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->get_model(); %};
t_layer_height_ranges layer_height_ranges()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->layer_height_ranges; %};
void set_layer_height_ranges(t_layer_height_ranges ranges)
%code%{ THIS->layer_height_ranges = ranges; %};
Clone<Pointf> origin_translation()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->origin_translation; %};
void set_origin_translation(Pointf* point)
%code%{ THIS->origin_translation = *point; %};
%name{Slic3r::Model::Volume} class ModelVolume {
Ref<ModelObject> object()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->object; %};
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->get_object(); %};
t_model_material_id material_id()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->material_id; %};
void set_material_id(t_model_material_id material_id)
%code%{ THIS->material_id = material_id; %};
Ref<TriangleMesh> mesh()
%code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->mesh; %};
bool modifier()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->modifier; %};
void set_modifier(bool modifier)
%code%{ THIS->modifier = modifier; %};
%name{Slic3r::Model::Instance} class ModelInstance {
Ref<ModelObject> object()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->object; %};
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->get_object(); %};
double rotation()
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->rotation; %};