Allow multiple values for the same except_field in checkers

Vitaliy Filippov 2016-01-29 15:19:02 +03:00
parent ea2dfa1fe4
commit 3ade1d0a8d
3 changed files with 31 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -182,24 +182,24 @@ sub filter_failed_checkers
my ($checkers, $changes, $bug) = @_;
# Filter failed checkers by changes
my @rc;
for (@$checkers)
for my $checker (@$checkers)
if ($_->triggers)
if ($checker->triggers)
# Skip triggers
push @rc, $_;
push @rc, $checker;
my $e = $_->except_fields;
my $e = $checker->except_fields;
my $ok = 1;
if ($_->deny_all)
if ($checker->deny_all)
# Allow only changes of except_fields to except values
for (keys %$changes)
for my $field (keys %$changes)
# If the field is not listed in except_fields, OR
# if there is a specific value in except_fields and our one is not equal
if (!exists $e->{$_} || (defined $e->{$_} && $changes->{$_}->[1] ne $e->{$_}))
if (!exists $e->{$field} || (defined $e->{$field} && !grep { $_ eq $changes->{$field}->[1] } list($e->{$field})))
$ok = 0;
@ -209,20 +209,20 @@ sub filter_failed_checkers
# Forbid changes of except_fields to except values
for (keys %$e)
for my $field (keys %$e)
# work_time_date is a special pseudo-field meaning addition of backdated worktime
# the value of this pseudo-field is the date before which it is forbidden to fix worktime
# for example except_fields={work_time_date=2010-09-01} means forbid fixing worktime
# for dates before 2010-09-01
if ($_ eq 'work_time_date')
if ($field eq 'work_time_date')
my $today_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime);
my $min_backdate = $e->{$_} || $today_date;
my $min_backdate = $e->{$field} || $today_date;
my $min_comment_date;
foreach (@{$bug->{added_comments} || []})
foreach my $comment (@{$bug->{added_comments} || []})
my $cd = $_->{bug_when} || $today_date;
my $cd = $comment->{bug_when} || $today_date;
if (!$min_comment_date || $cd lt $min_comment_date)
$min_comment_date = $cd;
@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ sub filter_failed_checkers
elsif ($changes->{$_} && (!defined $e->{$_} || $changes->{$_}->[1] eq $e->{$_}))
elsif ($changes->{$field} && (!defined $e->{$field} || grep { $_ eq $changes->{$field}->[1] } list($e->{$field})))
$ok = 0;
push @rc, $_ unless $ok;
push @rc, $checker unless $ok;
@$checkers = @rc;

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@ -37,8 +37,20 @@ if ($params->{save})
if (/^except_field_(\d+)$/so && $params->{$_})
$except->{$params->{$_}} =
$params->{"except_field_$1_value"} || undef;
my ($f, $v) = ($params->{$_}, $params->{"except_field_$1_value"});
if (!$v)
$except->{$f} = undef;
elsif (!exists $except->{$f})
$except->{$f} = $v;
elsif (defined $except->{$f})
$except->{$f} = [ $except->{$f} ] if !ref $except->{$f};
push @{$except->{$f}}, $v;
$except = undef if !%$except;

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@ -234,7 +234,9 @@ function check_trigger()
[% IF checker.except_fields %]
[% FOR f = checker.except_fields.keys %]
add_field("[% f | js %]", "[% checker.except_fields.$f | js %]");
[% FOR v = checker.except_fields.$f %]
add_field("[% f | js %]", "[% v | js %]");
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]