s3-benchmark: Various fixes and cleanup

Signed-off-by: Mark Nelson <mnelson@redhat.com>
Mark Nelson 2019-08-15 17:23:38 -04:00
parent 35b1231801
commit 84ace5c177
1 changed files with 36 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -40,18 +40,10 @@ var duration_secs, threads, loops int
var object_data []byte
var object_data_md5 string
var running_threads, bucket_count, object_count, object_size, op_counter int64
var object_count_flag bool
var endtime time.Time
var interval float64
func logit(msg string) {
logfile, _ := os.OpenFile("benchmark.log", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if logfile != nil {
logfile.WriteString(time.Now().Format(http.TimeFormat) + ": " + msg + "\n")
// Our HTTP transport used for the roundtripper below
var HTTPTransport http.RoundTripper = &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
@ -426,7 +418,7 @@ func runDownload(thread_num int, fendtime time.Time, stats *Stats) {
objnum := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1)
if objnum >= object_count {
if object_count > -1 && objnum >= object_count {
atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1)
@ -470,8 +462,12 @@ func runDelete(thread_num int, stats *Stats) {
svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg)
for {
if duration_secs > -1 && time.Now().After(endtime) {
objnum := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1)
if objnum >= object_count {
if object_count > -1 && objnum >= object_count {
atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1)
@ -607,6 +603,13 @@ func runWrapper(loop int, r rune) {
endtime = time.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(duration_secs))
var stats Stats
// If we perviously set the object count after running a put
// test, set the object count back to -1 for the new put test.
if r == 'p' && object_count_flag {
object_count = -1
object_count_flag = false
switch r {
case 'c':
log.Printf("Running Loop %d BUCKET CLEAR TEST", loop)
@ -650,6 +653,14 @@ func runWrapper(loop int, r rune) {
for atomic.LoadInt64(&running_threads) > 0 {
// If the user didn't set the object_count, we can set it here
// to limit subsequent get/del tests to valid objects only.
if r == 'p' && object_count < 0 {
object_count = op_counter + 1
object_count_flag = true
@ -747,9 +758,8 @@ func initData() {
func main() {
// Hello
fmt.Println("Wasabi benchmark program v2.0")
log.Printf("Hotsauce S3 Benchmark Version 0.1")
//fmt.Println("accesskey:", access_key, "secretkey:", secret_key)
cfg = &aws.Config{
Endpoint: aws.String(url_host),
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(access_key, secret_key, ""),
@ -760,8 +770,19 @@ func main() {
// Echo the parameters
logit(fmt.Sprintf("Parameters: url=%s, bucket_prefix=%s, bucket_count=%d, region=%s, duration=%d, threads=%d, loops=%d, size=%s",
url_host, bucket_prefix, bucket_count, region, duration_secs, threads, loops, sizeArg))
log.Printf("url=%s", url_host)
log.Printf("object_prefix=%s", object_prefix)
log.Printf("bucket_prefix=%s", bucket_prefix)
log.Printf("region=%s", region)
log.Printf("modes=%s", modes)
log.Printf("object_count=%d", object_count)
log.Printf("bucket_count=%d", bucket_count)
log.Printf("duration=%d", duration_secs)
log.Printf("threads=%d", threads)
log.Printf("loops=%d", loops)
log.Printf("size=%s", sizeArg)
log.Printf("interval=%f", interval)
// Init Data