json11 ------ #### modified The original json11 from Dropbox doesnot support integer more than 2^54 for the compatible with javascript cases. But in most development cases, int64_t and uint64_t are very important types. So modified to support these ones. std::cout << "uint uint64 test" << std::endl; const string str_it2 = R"({"int_max":2147483647,"int_min":-2147483648,"uint_max":4294967295, "uint_min":0, "i64_max":9223372036854775807,"i64_min":-9223372036854775808,"ui64_max":18446744073709551615, "ui_64min":0 })"; auto json_uit = Json::parse(str_it2, err_it); std::cout << "ORIGIN:" << str_it2 << std::endl; string str_it2_ret; json_uit.dump(str_it2_ret); std::cout << "DUMP:" << str_it2_ret << std::endl; assert(json_uit["int_max"].int64_value() == INT_MAX); assert(json_uit["int_min"].int64_value() == INT_MIN); assert(json_uit["uint_max"].uint64_value() == UINT_MAX); assert(json_uit["uint_min"].uint64_value() == 0); assert(json_uit["i64_max"].int64_value() == LLONG_MAX); assert(json_uit["i64_min"].int64_value() == LLONG_MIN); assert(json_uit["ui64_max"].uint64_value() == ULLONG_MAX); assert(json_uit["ui64_min"].uint64_value() == 0); #### end json11 is a tiny JSON library for C++11, providing JSON parsing and serialization. The core object provided by the library is json11::Json. A Json object represents any JSON value: null, bool, number (int or double), string (std::string), array (std::vector), or object (std::map). Json objects act like values. They can be assigned, copied, moved, compared for equality or order, and so on. There are also helper methods Json::dump, to serialize a Json to a string, and Json::parse (static) to parse a std::string as a Json object. It's easy to make a JSON object with C++11's new initializer syntax: Json my_json = Json::object { { "key1", "value1" }, { "key2", false }, { "key3", Json::array { 1, 2, 3 } }, }; std::string json_str = my_json.dump(); There are also implicit constructors that allow standard and user-defined types to be automatically converted to JSON. For example: class Point { public: int x; int y; Point (int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {} Json to_json() const { return Json::array { x, y }; } }; std::vector points = { { 1, 2 }, { 10, 20 }, { 100, 200 } }; std::string points_json = Json(points).dump(); JSON values can have their values queried and inspected: Json json = Json::array { Json::object { { "k", "v" } } }; std::string str = json[0]["k"].string_value(); More documentation is still to come. For now, see json11.hpp.