NULL handling, quote(), DISTINCT ON and transaction wrapper

Vitaliy Filippov 2019-07-05 13:51:43 +03:00
parent f37c5d33fa
commit 70dcc2c70b
1 changed files with 208 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Простенький "селект билдер" по мотивам MediaWiki-овского, успешно юзаю подобный в PHP уже лет 8
// (c) Виталий Филиппов, 2019
// Версия 2019-06-05
// Версия 2019-07-04
// В PHP, правда, прикольнее - там в массиве можно смешивать строковые и численные ключи,
// благодаря чему можно писать $where = [ 't1.a=t2.a', 't2.b' => [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]
@ -25,7 +25,14 @@ const MS_VALUE = 6;
function select_builder(tables, fields, where, options)
options = options||{};
let sql = 'SELECT ', bind = [];
if (options['DISTINCT ON'] || options.distinct_on)
let group = options['DISTINCT ON'] || options.distinct_on;
group = group instanceof Array ? group : [ group ];
sql += 'DISTINCT ON ('+group.join(', ')+') ';
if (fields instanceof Array)
sql += fields.join(', ');
@ -54,7 +61,6 @@ function select_builder(tables, fields, where, options)
sql += ' AND '+t.moreWhere.sql;
bind.push.apply(bind, t.moreWhere.bind);
options = options||{};
if (options['GROUP BY'] || options.group_by)
let group = options['GROUP BY'] || options.group_by;
@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ function tables_builder(tables)
// - key does not contain '?', value is an empty array => just (key)
// - key contains '?', value is a scalar or non-empty array => (key) with bind params (...value)
// - key is numeric, then value is treated as in array
function where_or_set(fields, where)
function where_or_set(fields, for_condition)
if (typeof fields == 'string')
@ -205,30 +211,43 @@ function where_or_set(fields, where)
v = v instanceof Array ? v : [ v ];
if (v.length == 1 && v[0] == null)
w.push(where ? k+' is null' : k+' = null');
w.push(for_condition ? k+' is null' : k+' = null');
if ((v.length > 1 || v[0] instanceof Array) && !where)
// a IN (...) or (a, b) IN ((...), ...)
if ((v.length > 1 || v[0] instanceof Array) && !for_condition)
throw new Error('IN syntax can only be used inside WHERE');
if (v[0] instanceof Array)
// (a, b) in (...)
// (a, b) in ((...), ...)
w.push(k + ' in (' + => '(' => '?').join(', ')+')') + ')'); => bind.push.apply(bind, vi));
else if (!for_condition)
w.push(k+' = ?');
w.push(v.length == 1
? k + ' = ?'
: k + ' in (' + => '?').join(', ') + ')');
bind.push.apply(bind, v);
let n = v.length;
v = v.filter(vi => vi != null);
if (v.length > 0)
w.push(k+' in (' + => '?').join(', ') + ')' + (n > v.length ? ' or '+k+' is null' : ''));
bind.push.apply(bind, v);
else if (n > 0)
w.push(k+' is null');
if (!where)
if (!for_condition)
// SET
return { sql: w.join(', '), bind };
@ -299,6 +318,19 @@ function split_using(tables)
return { what, using: Object.keys(tables).length > 0 ? tables : null, moreWhere };
function quote(v)
if (!pg_escape)
pg_escape = require('pg-escape');
if (v == null)
return 'null';
else if (typeof v == 'object')
v = JSON.stringify(v);
else if (typeof v == 'number')
return v;
return '\''+pg_escape.string(v)+'\'';
// Превратить bind пераметры, выраженные как ?, в вид $n (как в node-postgres)
function _positional(sql)
@ -322,12 +354,12 @@ function _inline(sql, bind)
if (!m1)
return m;
let v = bind[i++];
if (typeof v == 'object')
if (v == null)
return 'null';
else if (typeof v == 'object')
v = JSON.stringify(v);
else if (typeof v == 'number')
return v;
else if (v == null)
return 'null';
return '\''+pg_escape.string(v)+'\'';
@ -337,8 +369,17 @@ function _inline(sql, bind)
// dbh: Connection
async function select(dbh, tables, fields, where, options, format)
let { sql, bind } = select_builder(tables, fields, where, options);
let data = await dbh.query(sql, bind);
let sql_text;
if (arguments.length == 2 || arguments.length == 3)
sql_text = tables instanceof Text ? tables : new Text(tables, []);
format = fields;
sql_text = select_builder(tables, fields, where, options);
let data = await dbh.query(sql_text.sql, sql_text.bind);
if ((format & MS_LIST) || (format & MS_COL))
data = => Object.values(r));
@ -494,40 +535,92 @@ class Text
class ConnectionBase
async select(tables, fields, where, options, format)
return arguments.length <= 2
? await select(this, tables, fields)
: await select(this, tables, fields, where, options, format);
async insert(table, rows, options)
return await insert(this, table, rows, options);
async update(table, set, where, options)
return await update(this, table, set, where, options);
async delete(table, where, options)
return await _delete(this, table, where, options);
// Обёртка PostgreSQL-подключения
// Автоматически переподключается при отвале
class Connection
class Connection extends ConnectionBase
constructor(config, init_callback)
this.config = config;
this.init_callback = init_callback;
this.init_connect = [];
this.in_transaction = null;
this.transaction_queue = [];
this.onerror = (e) =>
console.warn('Database connection dropped. Reconnecting');
this.dbh = null;
this.connection_lost = true;
this.quote = quote;
return this.dbh;
async runWhenConnected(cb)
if (this.dbh)
await cb(this);
this.init_connect = this.init_connect.filter(c => c != cb);
async connect()
if (this.dbh)
return this.dbh;
let retry = this.config.retry || 30;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true)
this.dbh = new pg.Client(this.config);
await this.dbh.connect();
if (this.init_callback)
for (const cb of this.init_connect)
await cb(this);
this.dbh.on('error', this.onerror);
return this.dbh;
catch (e)
@ -536,49 +629,117 @@ class Connection
await new Promise((r, j) => setTimeout(r, retry*1000));
return this.dbh;
async begin()
if (this.in_transaction)
// Если уже кто-то активен - ждём его
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.transaction_queue.push(resolve));
this.in_transaction = new Transaction(this);
await this._query('begin');
return this.in_transaction;
async query(sql, bind)
if (!this.dbh)
await this.connect();
console.log('> '+(bind && bind.length ? _inline(sql, bind) : sql));
return await this.dbh.query(_positional(sql), bind);
if (sql.length == 5 && sql.toLowerCase() == 'begin')
throw new Error('Do not use transactions in asynchronous code directly!');
if (this.in_transaction)
// Если уже кто-то активен - ждём его
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.transaction_queue.push(resolve));
const r = await this._query(sql, bind);
// Если есть ещё кто-то в очереди - пусть проходит
return r;
async select(tables, fields, where, options, format)
this.in_transaction = null;
const next = this.transaction_queue.shift();
if (next)
async _query(sql, bind)
if (!this.dbh)
await this.connect();
return await select(this, tables, fields, where, options, format);
if (this.in_transaction && this.connection_lost)
throw new Error('Connection lost while in transaction');
this.connection_lost = false;
if (this.config.log_queries)
console.log('> '+(bind && bind.length ? _inline(sql, bind) : sql));
if (!this.in_transaction)
this.in_transaction = true;
const r = await this.dbh.query(bind && bind.length ? _positional(sql) : sql, bind);
if (this.in_transaction === true)
this.in_transaction = false;
return r;
catch (e)
// в postgresql надо откатывать всю транзакцию при любой ошибке
if (this.in_transaction === true)
this.in_transaction = false;
if (this.in_transaction)
await this.in_transaction.query('rollback');
if (this.config.log_queries)
console.log('> rollback');
await this.dbh.query('rollback');
throw e;
class Transaction extends ConnectionBase
this.dbh = dbh;
async insert(table, rows, options)
async query(sql, bind)
if (!this.dbh)
await this.connect();
return await insert(this, table, rows, options);
async update(table, set, where, options)
if (!this.dbh)
await this.connect();
return await update(this, table, set, where, options);
async delete(table, where, options)
if (!this.dbh)
await this.connect();
return await _delete(this, table, where, options);
// Здесь уже ждать никого не надо, т.к. если мы сюда попали - то уже дождались своей очереди априори
const r = await this.dbh._query(sql, bind);
if (sql.length == 6 && sql.toLowerCase() == 'commit' ||
sql.length == 8 && sql.toLowerCase() == 'rollback')
return r;
module.exports = {
quote_into: _inline,
quote_positional: _positional,