Fix journal reading and make it more similar to writing :)

Vitaliy Filippov 2019-11-30 02:27:31 +03:00
parent 40781c67b2
commit 2039df76a5
2 changed files with 18 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ resume_1:
// Entry is corrupt
throw std::runtime_error("first entry of the journal is corrupt");
journal_pos = bs->journal.used_start = je_start->journal_start;
next_free = journal_pos = bs->journal.used_start = je_start->journal_start;
crc32_last = 0;
// Read journal
while (1)
@ -309,26 +309,24 @@ resume_1:
int blockstore_init_journal::handle_journal_part(void *buf, uint64_t len)
uint64_t buf_pos = 0;
if (cur_skip >= 0)
while (next_free >= done_pos && next_free < done_pos+len)
buf_pos = cur_skip;
cur_skip = 0;
uint64_t proc_pos = next_free, pos = 0;
next_free += 512;
if (next_free >= bs->journal.len)
next_free = 512;
while (buf_pos < len)
uint64_t proc_pos = buf_pos, pos = 0;
buf_pos += 512;
while (pos < 512)
journal_entry *je = (journal_entry*)((uint8_t*)buf + proc_pos + pos);
journal_entry *je = (journal_entry*)((uint8_t*)buf + proc_pos - done_pos + pos);
if (je->magic != JOURNAL_MAGIC || je_crc32(je) != je->crc32 ||
je->type < JE_SMALL_WRITE || je->type > JE_DELETE || started && je->crc32_prev != crc32_last)
if (pos == 0)
// invalid entry in the beginning, this is definitely the end of the journal
bs->journal.next_free = done_pos + proc_pos;
bs->journal.next_free = next_free;
return 0;
@ -343,23 +341,16 @@ int blockstore_init_journal::handle_journal_part(void *buf, uint64_t len)
if (je->type == JE_SMALL_WRITE)
// oid, version, offset, len
uint64_t location;
if (cur_skip > 0 || done_pos + buf_pos + je->small_write.len > bs->journal.len)
if (next_free + je->small_write.len > bs->journal.len)
// data continues from the beginning of the journal
if (buf_pos > len)
// if something is already skipped, skip everything until the end of the journal
buf_pos = bs->journal.len-done_pos;
next_free = 512;
location = 512 + cur_skip;
cur_skip += je->small_write.len;
uint64_t location = next_free;
next_free += je->small_write.len;
if (next_free >= bs->journal.len)
// data is right next
location = done_pos + buf_pos;
buf_pos += je->small_write.len;
next_free = 512;
if (location != je->small_write.data_offset)
@ -483,9 +474,6 @@ int blockstore_init_journal::handle_journal_part(void *buf, uint64_t len)
if (buf_pos > len)
cur_skip = buf_pos - len;
bs->journal.next_free = next_free;
return 1;

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class blockstore_init_journal
uint32_t crc32_last = 0;
bool started = false;
uint64_t done_pos = 0, journal_pos = 0;
uint64_t cur_skip = 0;
uint64_t next_free = 512;
bool wrapped = false;
int submitted = 0, done_buf = 0, done_len = 0;
struct io_uring_sqe *sqe;