State that jerasure is now supported

Vitaliy Filippov 2020-12-06 15:25:48 +03:00
padre 44a53d8352
commit 26dac57083
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 3 adiciones y 2 borrados

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ breaking changes in the future. However, the following is implemented:
- Basic part: highly-available block storage with symmetric clustering and no SPOF
- Performance ;-D
- Two redundancy schemes: Replication and XOR n+1 (simplest case of EC)
- Multiple redundancy schemes: Replication, XOR n+1, Reed-Solomon erasure codes
based on jerasure library with any number of data and parity drives in a group
- Configuration via simple JSON data structures in etcd
- Automatic data distribution over OSDs, with support for:
- Mathematical optimization for better uniformity and less data movement
@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ breaking changes in the future. However, the following is implemented:
- OSD creation tool (OSDs currently have to be created by hand)
- Other administrative tools
- Per-inode I/O and space usage statistics
- jerasure EC support with any number of data and parity drives in a group
- Parallel usage of multiple network interfaces
- Proxmox and OpenNebula plugins
- iSCSI proxy
@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ and calculate disk offsets almost by hand. This will be fixed in near future.
- Create global configuration in etcd: `etcdctl --endpoints=... put /vitastor/config/global '{"immediate_commit":"all"}'`
(if all your drives have capacitors).
- Create pool configuration in etcd: `etcdctl --endpoints=... put /vitastor/config/pools '{"1":{"name":"testpool","scheme":"replicated","pg_size":2,"pg_minsize":1,"pg_count":256,"failure_domain":"host"}}'`.
For jerasure pools the configuration should look like the following: `2:{"name":"ecpool","scheme":"jerasure","pg_size":4,"parity_chunks":2,"pg_minsize":2,"pg_count":256,"failure_domain":"host"}`.
- Calculate offsets for your drives with `node /usr/lib/vitastor/mon/simple-offsets.js --device /dev/sdX`.
- Make systemd units for your OSDs. Look at `/usr/lib/vitastor/mon/` for example.
Notable configuration variables from the example: