#!/bin/bash -ex . `dirname $0`/common.sh dd if=/dev/zero of=./testdata/test_osd1.bin bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((1024*1024-1)) dd if=/dev/zero of=./testdata/test_osd2.bin bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((1024*1024-1)) dd if=/dev/zero of=./testdata/test_osd3.bin bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((1024*1024-1)) dd if=/dev/zero of=./testdata/test_osd4.bin bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((1024*1024-1)) dd if=/dev/zero of=./testdata/test_osd5.bin bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((1024*1024-1)) build/src/vitastor-osd --osd_num 1 --bind_address --etcd_address $ETCD_URL $(node mon/simple-offsets.js --format options --device ./testdata/test_osd1.bin 2>/dev/null) &>./testdata/osd1.log & OSD1_PID=$! build/src/vitastor-osd --osd_num 2 --bind_address --etcd_address $ETCD_URL $(node mon/simple-offsets.js --format options --device ./testdata/test_osd2.bin 2>/dev/null) &>./testdata/osd2.log & OSD2_PID=$! build/src/vitastor-osd --osd_num 3 --bind_address --etcd_address $ETCD_URL $(node mon/simple-offsets.js --format options --device ./testdata/test_osd3.bin 2>/dev/null) &>./testdata/osd3.log & OSD3_PID=$! build/src/vitastor-osd --osd_num 4 --bind_address --etcd_address $ETCD_URL $(node mon/simple-offsets.js --format options --device ./testdata/test_osd4.bin 2>/dev/null) &>./testdata/osd4.log & OSD4_PID=$! build/src/vitastor-osd --osd_num 5 --bind_address --etcd_address $ETCD_URL $(node mon/simple-offsets.js --format options --device ./testdata/test_osd5.bin 2>/dev/null) &>./testdata/osd5.log & OSD5_PID=$! $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pools '{"1":{"name":"testpool","scheme":"replicated","pg_size":2,"pg_minsize":1,"pg_count":1,"failure_domain":"osd"}}' $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pgs '{"items":{"1":{"1":{"osd_set":[1,0],"primary":1}}}}' sleep 2 if ! ($ETCDCTL get /vitastor/pg/state/1/1 --print-value-only | jq -s -e '(. | length) != 0 and .[0].state == ["active","degraded"]'); then format_error "Failed to start the PG active+degraded" fi LD_PRELOAD=libasan.so.5 \ fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/libfio_vitastor.so -bs=4M -direct=1 -iodepth=1 -fsync=1 -rw=write \ -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=2 -size=32M -cluster_log_level=10 $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pgs '{"items":{"1":{"1":{"osd_set":[1,0],"primary":0}}}}' sleep 2 if [ "`$ETCDCTL get /vitastor/pg/state/1/1 --print-value-only`" != "" ]; then format_error "Failed to stop the PG" fi $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/pg/history/1/1 '{"all_peers":[1,2,3]}' $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pgs '{"items":{"1":{"1":{"osd_set":[4,5],"primary":4}}}}' sleep 5 if ! ($ETCDCTL get /vitastor/pg/state/1/1 --print-value-only | jq -s -e '(. | length) != 0 and .[0].state == ["active"]'); then format_error "Failed to move degraded objects to the clean OSD set" fi $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pgs '{"items":{"1":{"1":{"osd_set":[4,5],"primary":0}}}}' $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/pg/history/1/1 '{"all_peers":[1,2,3]}' sleep 2 if [ "`$ETCDCTL get /vitastor/pg/state/1/1 --print-value-only`" != "" ]; then format_error "Failed to stop the PG after degraded recovery" fi cp testdata/osd4.log testdata/osd4_pre.log >testdata/osd4.log $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pgs '{"items":{"1":{"1":{"osd_set":[4,5],"primary":4}}}}' sleep 2 if grep -q 'PG 1/1.*is.*has_' testdata/osd4.log; then format_error "PG has degraded or misplaced objects after a full re-peer following a degraded recovery" fi if ! ($ETCDCTL get /vitastor/pg/state/1/1 --print-value-only | jq -s -e '(. | length) != 0 and .[0].state == ["active"]'); then format_error "PG not active+clean after a full re-peer following a degraded recovery" fi format_green OK