
53 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/bin/bash -ex
. `dirname $0`/
check_qemu \
# fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/ -bs=4k -fsync=128 `$ETCDCTL get /vitastor/osd/state/1 --print-value-only | jq -r '"-host="+.addresses[0]+" -port="+(.port|tostring)'` -rw=write -size=32M
# Small sequential writes were causing various bugs at different moments
echo Small sequential writes
LD_PRELOAD="build/src/" \
fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/ -bs=4k -direct=1 -numjobs=1 -iodepth=16 \
-rw=write -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=1 -size=128M -runtime=10
# Random writes without immediate_commit were stalling OSDs
echo 68k random writes
LD_PRELOAD="build/src/" \
fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/ -bs=68k -direct=1 -numjobs=16 -iodepth=4 \
-rw=randwrite -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=1 -size=128M -runtime=10
# A lot of parallel syncs was crashing the primary OSD at some point
echo T64Q1 writes with fsync
LD_PRELOAD="build/src/" \
fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/ -bs=4k -direct=1 -numjobs=64 -iodepth=1 -fsync=1 \
-rw=randwrite -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=1 -size=128M -number_ios=100
echo Linear write
LD_PRELOAD="build/src/" \
fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/ -bs=4M -direct=1 -iodepth=1 -fsync=1 -rw=write -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=1 -size=128M -cluster_log_level=10
echo T1Q1 writes with fsync=32
LD_PRELOAD="build/src/" \
fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/ -bs=4k -direct=1 -iodepth=1 -fsync=32 -buffer_pattern=0xdeadface \
-rw=randwrite -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=1 -size=128M -number_ios=1024
qemu-img convert -S 4096 -p \
-f raw "vitastor:etcd_host=\:$ETCD_PORT/v3:pool=1:inode=1:size=$((128*1024*1024))" \
-O raw ./testdata/read.bin
qemu-img convert -S 4096 -p \
-f raw ./testdata/read.bin \
-O raw "vitastor:etcd_host=\:$ETCD_PORT/v3:pool=1:inode=1:size=$((128*1024*1024))"
format_green OK