Vitaliy Filippov 0b41ffc08d Release 0.6.0
Warning: upgrading from 0.5.x is currently not supported!
Please create an issue if you really need upgrade capability.

New features:
- Snapshots and Copy-on-Write clones
- Inode (image) names
- Inode I/O and space statistics
- Write throttling for smoothing random write workloads in SSD+HDD configurations
2021-04-11 00:49:18 +03:00
.. Release 0.6.0 2021-04-11 00:49:18 +03:00
qemu-el8.Dockerfile Fix rpm specs for building with CMake 2021-02-26 01:59:18 +03:00
qemu-kvm-el7.spec.patch For reference: include a spec patch for building QEMU 4.2 or CentOS 7 2020-12-06 15:43:38 +03:00
qemu-kvm.spec.patch Build with jerasure, split some build scripts 2020-12-05 19:02:23 +03:00
vitastor-el7.Dockerfile Release 0.6.0 2021-04-11 00:49:18 +03:00
vitastor-el7.spec Release 0.6.0 2021-04-11 00:49:18 +03:00
vitastor-el8.Dockerfile Release 0.6.0 2021-04-11 00:49:18 +03:00
vitastor-el8.spec Release 0.6.0 2021-04-11 00:49:18 +03:00