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// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@zbackup.org> and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS
// Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE
#include "objectcache.hh"
ObjectCache::ObjectCache( unsigned maxSize_ ): maxObjects( maxSize_ ),
totalObjects( 0 )
bool ObjectCache::remove( ObjectId const & id )
Objects tmp;
tmp.push_back( Object() );
tmp.back().id = id;
ObjectMap::iterator i = objectMap.find( tmp.begin() );
if ( i == objectMap.end() )
return false;
// Make sure that in case a destructor raises an exception, the cache
// is left in a consistent state.
Reference * ref = (*i)->reference;
objects.erase( *i );
objectMap.erase( i );
delete ref;
return true;
void ObjectCache::clear()
for ( Objects::iterator i = objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); )
// Make sure that in case a destructor raises an exception, the cache
// is left in a consistent state.
Reference * ref = i->reference;
objectMap.erase( i );
objects.erase( i++ );
delete ref;