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Ext4 vs XFS

248 байтов добавлено, 08:57, 20 декабря 2013
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* XFS supports fully dynamic inode allocation, i.e. you’ll never run out of inodes, and at the same time you don’t need to waste disk space by reserving it for inodes
* Ext4 does NOT support changing inode count without reformatting the filesystem, even with resize2fs; by default, 1/64 of disk space is reserved for inodes (!!!)
*: It's not hard to change inode count in theory: (1) move data blocks out of the way if we need to reserve them for inodes (2) change inode numbers in all directory entries (3) overwrite/move inode bitmaps and tables. But it's not implemented :-(
* XFS does NOT support shrinking of a filesystem at all (you can only grow it)
