
Ceph performance

5 байтов добавлено, 10:50, 27 июля 2019
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Bluestore can’t do the same even when you put its WAL+DB on SSD. It also has sort of a «journal» which is called «deferred write queue», but it’s very small (only 64 requests) and it lacks any kind of background flush threads. So you actually can increase the maximum number of deferred requests, but after the queue fills up the performance will drop until OSD restarts.
So, Bluestore’s performance is very consistent, but it’s worse than peak performance of Filestore for the same hardware. In other words, Bluestore OSD refuses to do random writes faster than the HDD can do them on average.
With Filestore you easily get 1000—2000 iops while the journal is not full. With Bluestore you only get 100—300 iops regardless of the SSD journal, but these are absolutely stable over time and never drop.