svnadmin create test
svn co file://`pwd`/test test-co
cd test-co
echo "helloworld" > a
echo "diepeople" > b
svn add a b
svn ci -m "add a+b to svn"
cd ..
bzr branch `pwd`/test test-bzr
cd test-co
echo "tretiynah" > c
svn add c
svn ci -m "add c to svn"
cd ..
cd test-bzr
echo "rozoviyslonik" > d
bzr add d
bzr ci -m "add d to bzr"
bzr merge
bzr ci -m "merge to bzr"
echo "1nah" > a
bzr ci -m "change a in bzr"
bzr push `pwd`/../test # ФИГВАМ! Operation denied because it would change the mainline history. (логично)
bzr rebase -r 5 # ФИГВАМ! No revisions to rebase.
bzr rebase --onto=2.1.1 # ФИГВАМ! ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_known_graph_ancestry' а дальше идёт Python traceback