

537 байтов добавлено, 15:14, 18 июля 2018
Добавлена закладка I’m Breaking up with Higher Order Components. – tandemly – Medium
=== Июль 2018 ===
* 18 Июль, 18:14:41: [https://medium.com/tandemly/im-breaking-up-with-higher-order-components-44b0df2db052 I’m Breaking up with Higher Order Components. – tandemly – Medium]
*: <html><h1 name="ec9a" id="ec9a" class="graf graf--h3 graf-after--figure graf--title">I’m Breaking up with Higher Order Components.</h1><h2 name="a705" id="a705" class="graf graf--h4 graf-after--h3 graf--subtitle">Writing declarative, readable and flexible React components using render props instead of&nbsp;HOCs</h2></html>
* 16 Июль, 15:47:58: [http://marcj.github.io/css-element-queries/ Css-element-queries by marcj]
* 14 Июль, 00:54:11: [https://github.com/go-spatial/tegola-osm/ GitHub - go-spatial/tegola-osm: Various scripts for importing and running a mirror of OSM with tegola]