

25 байтов добавлено, 10:06, 7 апреля 2021
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* Name: Filippov Vitaliy Vladimiroch
* Born in 1988
Clustering | Consul, etcd, Patroni, Stolon, Percona cluster.
Deployment/DevOps | Docker, Docker compose, Docker swarm, Kubernetes, Ansible, Gitlab CI, OpenNebula, nginx, apache, haproxy.
Other | Linux everywhere since 2006. Experience with OpenStreetmap: osm2pgsql, imposm3, mapnik/renderd, tilemill, OSRM, valhalla, leaflet, tilelive (vector tiles). Experience with Java software like OpenESB, Keycloak, Wildfly and so on (but not preferred).
Languages | Russian (native), English (intermediate / upper intermediate).
* Wide profile full-stack developer with skills ranging from usual web frontends & backends to systems development.
* Deep knowledge about the internals of Ceph SDS, especially performance tuning.
* Working on my own scale-out software-defined storage project (MVP) Vitastor https://vitastor.io.
* Interested in diverse tasks and new product launches.