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220 байтов добавлено, 17:10, 20 июня 2014
Добавлена закладка Reprap development and further adventures in DIY 3D printing: 3-way Quick-fit Extruder and Colour Blending Nozzle
=== Июнь 2014 ===
* 20 Июнь, 21:10:35: [http://richrap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/3-way-quick-fit-extruder-and-colour.html Reprap development and further adventures in DIY 3D printing: 3-way Quick-fit Extruder and Colour Blending Nozzle]
* 18 Июнь, 17:49:18: [http://rethinkdb.com/ An open-source distributed database built with love - RethinkDB]
* 11 Июнь, 00:29:51: [http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,269018,269018 Flexible filament - my testing and guide on how to print FilaFlex, NinjaFlex, and Flex-Polyester.]
