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Ext4 vs XFS

386 байтов добавлено, 18:51, 19 декабря 2013
Copy kernel source (from SSD with warm cache)
= Benchmarks =
== Copy Operations with kernel 3.10 source (from SSD with warm cache) tree ==
* HDD: WD Scorpio Black 2.5" 750GB 7200rpm
* Kernel: 3.12.3(Debian 3.12.3-1~exp1)
ResultsCopy kernel source from SSD to tested FS and then sync, with warm page cache (i.e. not read-bound):* xfs 1 threadparallel copy: 12.348s* xfs 4 threadsparallel copies: 65.883s* ext4 1 threadparallel copy: 7.662s* ext4 4 threadsparallel copies: 33.876s tar 3 kernel source copies from tested FS to /dev/null (basically just read and discard) after 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches':* xfs: real 26.815s, user 0.936s, sys 1.556s* ext4: real 5.509s, user 0.584s, sys 0.872s (almost 5 times faster!)
== FS-Mark 3.3, creating 1M files ==
